My services generally cost industry standard illustration rates. I determine a specific cost based on the scope of the project, the budget of the client, and other extenuating circumstances. It’s a balance but one I like to find. I want you to be satisfied and stress-free. And I want my rent to keep getting paid. So let’s work together and figure out a number that fits both of our needs.
Here are some resources to understand the complexity of illustration rates. Please review before proposing a budget.
Helpful Links
The Dark Art of Pricing
How much to charge for illustrations - by Heather Castle
Awesome video about pricing by children's book illustrator Will Terry
Pricing your work - by Daniel Will-Harris
Getting paid - by Amanda Hall
A designer guide to pricing - by Go Media
How to charge for your graphic design work - by Go Media
My Rates
Please keep in mind that all projects are priced individually based on the needs of the client, working budget, and specs of the project. Rates should be viewed as a general guideline. For a personalized quote, please submit your project details through my contact page.
Picture books
from $5000 to $7000 (50% up front or a milestone based payment plan)
Editorial illustrations
Spot $75-$100
Quarter page $150-$200
Half page $250-$300
Full page $350-$500
Double page $550-700
Cover: Inquire with Budget
Digital Delivery for Personal Use: $125 and up
Large Scale Paintings on Wood: $500 and up
Other: Please send details and proposed budget
Illustration for Branding
Logo Development $300 and up
More information on Industry standard pricing
Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines
The Illustrator’s Guide to Law and Business Practice
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I include in my project description?
Here are some helpful pieces of information to include. These will allow for a more accurate quote for your project.
-Size of the Job
-Size/Type of Client
-Complexity/Description of the Project
-Use of the artwork (commercial or personal, etc)
-Geographic Regions it will be used
-Deadline or Timeline of Project
How long does a project usually take?
This really just depends on the scope of the project. That’s why I ask for so much info! But if you have a set timeline, make sure to tell me. I want to work with you on getting the project done in time to meet your deadlines.
Will you work in a different style?
A big red flag for illustrators is a client that wants them to work outside of their usual style. This means requesting that they complete a project that looks like someone else’s work. I will decline these requests. If you would like the style to appear as someone else’s, please hire that person.